Students who achieve high scholastic standing may be invited to become members of an honor society in their major field of study.
Alpha Kappa Upsilon Iota, Alpha Chapter: College Union Honor Society for juniors and seniors who have made outstanding contributions to UNK through the Nebraskan Student Union.
Alpha Mu Gamma: National foreign language honor society for foreign language students and international students.
Alpha Psi Omega: National theatre honor society.
Beta Beta Beta: Fosters scholarly attainment in the biological sciences.
Delta Omicron: International music fraternity for students with a music major or minor.
Gamma Theta Upsilon: International honor society for geography students. K-Club: Athletic honor society.
Kappa Delta Pi: Honors juniors and seniors enrolled in the teacher education program.
Kappa Mu Epsilon: Recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of mathematics.
Kappa Omicron Nu: Home Economics fraternity.
Kappa Pi: National art honor society.
Mortar Board, Xi Phi Chapter: Scholastic and leadership fraternity for juniors and seniors.
National Residence Halls Honor Society: Recognizes students demonstrating outstanding leadership within the residence hall system.
Nebraska Alpha Phi Theta Kappa: Transfer student fraternity open to all transfer students as associate members, or to those with a 3.5 GPA at a previous institution as full members.
Omicron Delta Epsilon: An international honor society for those who have completed at least 12 hours in economics and have a 3.0 or better overall grade point average and a 3.0 or better in economics courses.
Order of Omega: Recognizes those who attain a high standard of leadership in Greek activities.
Phi Alpha: A national honor society for social work students.
Phi Alpha Theta: Honors students achieving academic excellence in history.
Phi Eta Sigma: Freshman Honor Society open to those with a 3.75 GPA.
Psi Chi: National honor society in psychology.
Rho Lambda: Greek honor society for junior women who are full-time students.
Sigma Delta Pi: For juniors, seniors and graduate Spanish majors with a 3.5 average in Spanish and a 3.0 average overall. The chapter is the oldest chapter in Nebraska.
Sigma Tau Delta: For English majors with at least 12 hours of English and with a GPA of at least 3.0 in English.
Society for Collegiate Journalists: Journalism honor society for students who have worked on a student publication for two semesters.
Spurs: A national honor society for sophomores who are selected for scholarship and leadership participation.
UNK Leadership Development Council: Serves to recognize student leaders.