University of Nebraska at Kearney
General Information

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Department Prefixes

College of Business and Technology
BASM - Airway Science Management
BSAD - Business Administration Management
BSED - Business Education Management
BACC - Business Accounting Management
BFIN - Business Finance Management
BMKT - Business Marketing Management
BMGT - Business ManagementManagement
ECON - Economics
FCSC - Family and Consumer Science
BMIS - Management Information Systems
MLSC - Military Science
SFED - Safety Education
ITEC - Industrial Technology
VOED - Vocational Education
College of Education
C&SP - Counseling and School Psychology
CDIS - Communication Disorders
ECE - Early Childhood Education
EDAD - Educational Administration
EDME - Educational Media
ELED - Elementary Education
LNSK - Learning Skills
MIDG - Middle Grades Education
PE - Physical Education
PTE - Professional Teacher Education
REC - Recreation
SPED - Special Education

College of Fine Arts and Humanities

ART - Art
DANC - Dance
ENG - English
FORL - Foreign Language
FREN - French
GERM - German
HUM - Humanities
J/MC - Journalism/Mass Communication
JAPN - Japanese
MUS - Music
PHIL - Philosophy
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
THEA - Theatre

College of Natural and Social Sciences

BIOL - Biology
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
CSCI - Computer Science
GEOG - Geography
HIST - History
HSCI - Health Science
INSY - Information Systems
MATH - Mathematics
NURS - Nursing
PHYS - Physics
PSCI - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
SOC - Sociology
SOWK - Social Work
STAT - Statistics
SOSC - Social Science

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