University of Nebraska at Kearney
1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog
Building Abbreviations
- BHS - Bruner Hall of Science
- COPH - Copeland Hall
- CTE - Centennial Towers East
- CTW - Centennial Towers West
- FA - Fine Arts Building
- FDHL - Founders Hall
- HPER - Cushing Health, Physical Education & Recreation Center
- HSC - Health and Sports Center
- LIBR - Calvin T. Ryan Library
- MS - Military Science
- MSAB - Memorial Student Affairs Building
- NSU - Nebraskan Student Union
- OCK - Ockinga Center
- OO - Otto Olsen
- SCUL - Sculpture Annex
- THMS - A.O. Thomas Building
- WC - West Center
- WCA - West Center Annex
- WH - Welch Hall