Offered by Department of Teacher Education

Middle Grades Education Major

Middle Grades Teaching
Field Endorsement
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Bachelor of Science in Education

(Selection of Special Areas in Academic Concentration determines whether degree awarded is BAE or BSE; see B. Middle Grades Academic Concentration, below.)

  1. Middle Grades Core Requirements (15 hours required)
    • Take all of the following:
      • TE 323, Partnerships with Families - 1 hour
      • TE 331, Intermediate Literacy - 3 hours
      • TE 471, History and Philosophy of Middle School - 3 hours
      • TE 473, Field Experience in Middle Level Classrooms - 2 hours
    • Take two methods courses that match selected concentration areas:
      • BSED 470, Vocational Business Methods - 3 hours
      • ENG 424, Teaching Secondary School English - 3 hours
      • FORL 472, Foreign Language Pedagogy - 3 hours
      • MATH 470, Teaching of Secondary Mathematics - 3 hours
      • PE 428, Middle School and High School Physical Education Methods - 3 hours
      • SOSC 370, Social Science of the High School - 3 hours
      • Take 1 course from:
  2. Middle Grades Academic Concentration (36 hours required)
    • Students must have 18 distinct hours in each of two specialization areas:
    • BUSINESS EDUCATION (18 hours required)
      • Take all of the following:
        • BSAD 115, Introduction to Business - 3 hours
        • BSAD 295, Business Communications - 3 hours (Prereq: ENG 101)
        • BSED 302, Automated Office Systems - 3 hours
        • ECON 100GS, Contemporary Economic Issues - 3 hours
        • ECON 270GS, Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics - 3 hours
        • FSID 160GS, Personal Money Management - 3 hours
      • FRENCH (18 hours required)
        • Take all of the following:
          • FREN 200GS, Intermediate French I - 3 hours
          • FREN 201GS, Intermediate French II - 3 hours
          • FREN 303, French Phonetics - 3 hours
          • FREN 304, Culture, Conversation, Composition - 3 hours
          • FREN 401, Advanced Composition and Grammar Review - 3 hours
          • FREN 414, Advanced French Conversation - 3 hours
      • GERMAN (18 hours required)
        • Take all of the following:
          • GERM 200GS, Intermediate German I - 3 hours
          • GERM 201GS, Intermediate German II - 3 hours
          • GERM 204GS, Culture, Conversation and Composition - 3 hours
          • GERM 303, Advanced German Grammar - 3 hours
          • GERM 304, Advanced Composition and Conversation I - 3 hours
          • GERM 414, Advanced Composition and Conversation II - 3 hours
      • SPANISH (18 hours required)
        • Take all of the following:
          • SPAN 200GS, Intermediate Spanish I - 3 hours
          • SPAN 201GS, Intermediate Spanish II - 3 hours
          • SPAN 204GS, Spanish Conversation - 3 hours
          • SPAN 302, Spanish Phonetics/Phonology - 3 hours
          • SPAN 303, Advanced Spanish Grammar - 3 hours
          • SPAN 304, Advanced Conversation and Composition - 3 hours
    • HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (18 hours required)
      • Take all of the following:
        • PE 100, Principles of Physical Education - 2 hours
        • PE 121, Sports Skills for Physical Education - 2 hours
        • PE 220, Teaching Aerobic and Anaerobic Activities - 1 hour
        • PE 241, Rhythmic Activities for Physical Education Teachers - 2 hours
        • PE 300, Teaching Sport Skills and Non-Rhythmic Activities - 2 hours
        • PE 369, Remedial and Adaptive Physical Education - 3 hours
        • PE 450, Curriculum and Assessment for Physical Education - 3 hours
        • PE 464, Secondary School Health - 3 hours
    • LANGUAGE ARTS (18 hours required)
      • Take all of the following:
        • ENG 234, Reading and Writing about Literature - 3 hours
        • ENG 304, Grammar I - 3 hours
        • ENG 311, Advanced Writing I - 3 hours
        • ENG 426, Literature for Adolescents - 3 hours
      • Take one from the following American Literature courses:
        • ENG 352A, Survey of U.S. Literature I - 3 hours
        • ENG 352B, Survey of U.S. Literature II - 3 hours
        • ENG 358, Literature of the American West - 3 hours
      • Take one from the following British Literature courses:
        • ENG 362A, Survey of British and Commonwealth Literature I - 3 hours
        • ENG 362B, Survey of British and Commonwealth Literature II - 3 hours
        • ENG 463, Seminar in Shakespeare - 3 hours
    • MATHEMATICS (18 hours required)
      • Take all of the following:
        • MATH 230GS, Math for Elementary Teachers I - 3 hours (Prereq: MATH 102GS or MATH 104 or permission OR Math ACT score of 20 or greater and 4 years of high school mathematics including 2 years of algebra and 1 year of geometry and a senior level math course)
        • MATH 330GS, Math for Elementary Teachers II - 3 hours
        • MATH 430, Middle School Mathematics - 3 hours
        • STAT 241GS Elementary Statistics - 3 hours (Prereq: either MATH 101 or MATH 102GS or MATH 115 or MATH 123GS OR Math ACT score of 20 or greater)
      • Take 6 hours from:
        • MATH 103GS, Plane Trigonometry - 3 hours (Prereq: MATH 102GS OR Math ACT score of 22 or greater and 2 years of high school algebra)
        • MATH 120GS, Finite Mathematics - 3 hours (Prereq: MATH 102GS OR Math ACT score of 22 or greater and 2 years of high school algebra)
        • MATH 123GS, Applied Calculus I - 3 hours (Prereq: MATH 102GS OR Math ACT score of 22 or greater and 4 years of high school mathematics including 2 years of algebra and 1 year of geometry and a senior level pre-calculus course)
    • NATURAL SCIENCES (18 hours required)
      • Take all of the following:
      • Take ONE of the following options:
        • Take 1 course:
        • OR take two courses:
          • CHEM 160GS, General Chemistry - 3 hours (Prereq: MATH 102GS OR Math ACT score of 20 or better OR permission of instructor)
          • CHEM 160LGS, General Chemistry Laboratory - 1 hour
      • Take 2 courses from:
    • SOCIAL SCIENCES (18 hours required)
      • Take all the following:
        • ECON 100GS, Contemporary Economic Issues - 3 hours
        • HIST 211GS, Western Civilization - 3 hours
        • HIST 251GS, American History - 3 hours
        • HIST 479, Nebraska and the Great Plains History - 3 hours
      • Take 1 course from:
        • GEOG 101GS, Physical Geography I: The Atmosphere - 4 hours (with lab)
        • GEOG 102GS, Physical Geography II: The Lithosphere - 4 hours (with lab)
        • GEOG 103GS, The Dynamic Planet: Hazards in the Environment - 3 hours
      • Take 1 course from:

27 Apr 2012