Offered by Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work

Criminal Justice Major

Criminal Justice Comprehensive Option
Bachelor of Science

At least 15 hours (5 courses) of upper division credit in criminal justice must be taken from UNK.

  1. Criminal Justice Comprehensive Core Requirements (24 hours required)
    • Take all of the following:
      • CJUS 101GS, Introduction to Criminal Justice - 3 hours
      • CJUS 201, The Juvenile Justice System - 3 hours
      • CJUS 215, Correctional Services and Systems - 3 hours
      • CJUS 230, The Police Service - 3 hours
      • CJUS 326, Theories of Crime and Criminal Law - 3 hours
      • CJUS 480, Senior Seminar: Professional Ethics and Career Development - 3 hours
    • Take one of the following:
      • CJUS 250, Criminal Justice Research Methods I - 3 hours
      • SOWK 330, Fundamentals of Research in Social Welfare - 3 hours (Prereq: STAT 235GS)
    • Take ONE of the following options:
      1. Internship (Strongly Recommended)
        • Take 6-9 hours from:
          • CJUS 475*, Internship - 6 or 9 hours, permission of Department Chair required
          • *Should CJUS 475 be taken, 3 hours will be counted towards the above required 21 CJUS hours, with remaining hours counted as unrestricted electives. The remaining hours will not be counted toward Criminal Justice coursework.
          • Students normally take their internship during the summer following their junior year, although the course is offered at other times.
      2. OR Additional Coursework
        • Take 3 additional hours from any CJUS elective course.
  2. Criminal Justice Comprehensive Criminal Justice Electives (21 hours required)
    • Take 21 hours from:
      • CJUS 305, Criminal Justice Research Methods II - 3 hours (Prereq: CJUS 250)
      • CJUS 310, Community Based Corrections - 3 hours
      • CJUS 315, Victimology: Victims of Crime - 3 hours
      • CJUS 321, Technology in Criminal Justice - 3 hours
      • CJUS 340, Criminal Evidence and Procedure - 3 hours
      • CJUS 345, Criminal Law - 3 hours
      • CJUS 350, Organized Crime - 3 hours
      • CJUS 353, Crime Prevention and Security - 3 hours
      • CJUS 360, Sex Crimes - 3 hours
      • CJUS 375GS, Comparative Criminal Justice Systems - 3 hours
      • CJUS 380GS, Minorities and Criminal Justice - 3 hours
      • CJUS 390, Criminal Investigation - 3 hours
      • CJUS 401, Special Topics - 1-12 hours
      • CJUS 411, Readings in Criminal Justice - 1-6 hours
      • CJUS 415, Correctional Casework - 3 hours
      • CJUS 420, Supervision and Management in Criminal Justice - 3 hours
      • CJUS 430, Drugs and the Criminal Justice System - 3 hours
      • CJUS 431, Correctional Law and Administration - 3 hours
      • CJUS 435, Interviewing and Correctional Case Management - 3 hours (Prereq: CJUS 415)
      • CJUS 476, Terrorism and Crisis Negotiations - 3 hours
      • CJUS 490, Advanced Criminal and Crime Scene Investigations (CSI) - 3 hours (Prereq: CJUS 390)
      • CJUS 499, Independent Study - 3-6 hours
  3. Criminal Justice Comprehensive Social Science Electives (9 hours required)
    • Take 9 hours from:
      • CSP 417, Counseling Skills - 3 hours
      • CSP 418, Introduction to Counseling - 3 hours
      • GEOG 315, Geographic Information Systems - Principles and Concepts - 4 hours
      • GEOG 316, GIS - Working with GIS and Spatial Analysis - 3 hours
      • PE 260, First Aid, Responding to Emergencies - 2 hours
      • PSCI 252, The Courts and the Judicial Process - 3 hours
      • PSCI 300, American Constitutional Law - 3 hours
      • PSCI 325, Individual Liberties and Civil Rights - 3 hours (Prereq: PSCI 300 or permission of instructor)
      • PSCI 400, Public Administration - 3 hours
      • PSY 231GS, Abnormal Behavior and Society - 3 hours
      • PSY 376, Psychology and Criminal Behavior - 3 hours (Prereq: PSY 203GS)
      • PSY 480, Advanced Seminar in Psychology: Psychology and Law - 3 hours
        (See advisor for approved topic.)
      • SOC 225, Global Cultures and Diversity - 3 hours
      • SOC 360, Criminology - 3 hours
      • SOC 363, Juvenile Delinquency - 3 hours
      • SOC 461, Deviance and Social Control - 3 hours
      • SOWK 172, Human Service Ethics and Experience - 3 hours
      • SPAN 103, Spanish for Special Purposes (Law Enforcement) - 3 hours
      • Any SPAN course 200 or above - 3 hours

5 May 2010