General Studies Information
(9-15 hours from three separate perspectives required; a maximum of 15 hours count as General
Studies credit)
In addition to those objectives required of all General Studies courses, students will:
- demonstrate the ability to comprehend primary texts, i.e., the work of literary figures,
historical figures, philosophers, and critics; film and theatrical performance; works of
art; music in performance and/or notation,
- demonstrate the ability to form and support, in writing, coherent positions on issues
relevant to primary texts,
- demonstrate the ability to use, in speaking and writing, the forms of reference and the
manners of discourse appropriate to the particular discipline,
- demonstrate the ability to see primary texts as cultural descriptions as well as
individual creation.
While not all courses in the Humanities focus exclusively on primary texts, students in
every course will experience, through reading, seeing, or hearing, significant cultural
works and documents.
Within the Humanities requirement, courses should be distributed among the perspectives
listed below. At a minimum, students must take one course from Literary Perspectives, one
from Aesthetic Perspectives and one from Historical Perspectives.
- Literary Perspectives
(3 hours required; a maximum of 6 hours count as General Studies Credit)
- ENG 234GS, Reading and Writing
about Literature - 3 hours
- ENG 235HGS, American Studies - 3 hours
- ENG 240HGS, Literary Classics of the Western World
- 3 hours
- ENG 250GS, Introduction to Literature: British
Literature - 3 hours
- ENG 251GS, Introduction to Literature: American
Literature - 3 hours
- ENG 252GS, Introduction to Literature: Western
Civilization - 3 hours
- ENG 253GS, Introduction to Literature: Non-Western
Civilization - 3 hours
- ENG 254GS, Introduction to Literature: Special
Topics - 3 hours
- ENG 280HGS/HIST 280HGS Variable Topics - 3 hours
- Aesthetic Perspectives
(3 hours required; a maximum of 6 hours count as General Studies Credit)
- Historical Perspectives
(3 hours required; a maximum of 6 hours count as General Studies Credit)
- Philosophic Perspectives
(0 hours required; a maximum of 6 hours count as General Studies Credit)