Offered by Department of Counseling and School Psychology
College of Education

CSP Courses

CSP 410 - Psychology of Classroom Discipline - 3 hours
Prereq: none
Study of current models of classroom management psychology emphasizes the importance of teacher personality and interactive style in relation to classroom environment. A major focus is on the quality of the teacher/student relationship and kinds of interaction which enhance motivation and learning.
CSP 417 - Counseling Skills - 3 hours
Prereq: none
This class is for those entering or already in one of the helping professions. It focuses on understanding and applying a broad range of listening and communication skills in one-to-one interactions as well as in small group settings. Students actively practice building skills in class.
CSP 418 - Introduction to Counseling - 3 hours
Prereq: none
This class deals with the following issues related to counseling: historical development of counseling, ethical and legal issues in counseling, current psychological theories and their influence in counseling, worksetting of counselors, and major research issues in counseling.
CSP 420 - Learning from Children - 3 hours
Prereq: none
This course provides opportunity to study teaching/learning interactions in which the teacher is a child and the learner is an adult. There are direct observations of child/adult interactions, a brief study of class members' recollections of their own childhoods, and a study of neotenous (childlike) adults. The course will be graded credit/no credit, undergraduate/graduate credit.
CSP 441 - Special Topics - 1-3 hours
Prereq: none
This course addresses current issues related to counseling and school psychology. The course format varies depending on subject matter, instructor and student needs.
CSP 499 - Independent Study - 1-2 hours
Prereq: none
The student along with an advisor from the department will select an appropriate topic to be studied.

11 Feb 2008