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Offered by Department of Biology
College of Natural and Social Sciences

BIOL Courses

BIOL 101GS - X-treme Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: none
This course focuses on the extreme biological changes happening in the world currently. Events and processes such as global warming, human population pressures, synthetic chemicals in the environment, the human need for energy, and ongoing species extinctions are discussed. The scientific method and examples of scientific communication will be included in this course to allow students to see the world as researchers do. Current events, especially those with a human health or global impact component will be included to encourage interest and discussion. The course is designed for non-majors interested in biology and science. This course will be offered every semester.
BIOL 103GS - General Biology - 4 hours
Prereq: none
A study of basic biological principles including the organization and function of living systems including growth, development, metabolism, reproduction, and inheritance. A laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 105GS - Biology I - 4 hours
Prereq: three years of high school science including biology and chemistry and a minimum score of 20 on the ACT OR equivalent OR a college science course OR departmental permission
Plant and animal groups, their structure, relationships, ecology, classification, and evolution. Two hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Fall only.
BIOL 106GS - Biology II - 4 hours
Prereq: three years of high school science including biology and chemistry and a minimum score of 20 on the ACT OR equivalent OR a college science course OR departmental permission
A study of the fungi, protists, and bacteria. In addition, a study of the organization and function of living systems, including development, metabolism, reproduction, inheritance, and the basics of biotechnology. Two hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered spring only.
BIOL 109GS - Classroom Biology - 4 hours
Prereq: none
Acquaints students with what science is and how science is performed. Students will use the scientific method to design and perform experiments, collect data, analyze results, and develop explanations. Basic biological principles including form and function, organization, and adaptation will be emphasized. A laboratory science course. Credit not to be applied to the Biology major or endorsement. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 110 - Introduction to Epidemiology - 3 hours
Prereq: none
An introductory survey of modern epidemiology including what epidemiology is, new discoveries, and how epidemiology affects our lives.
BIOL 201 - Fundamental Tools for Biological Studies - 2 hours
Prereq: none
This course will provide Biology students with guidance for laboratory and field studies, but also cover broader transferable skills required for scientific research. Students will learn how to design biological studies, formulate and test scientific hypotheses, develop and conduct experiments, write scientific papers in a scientific format, analyze data with basic statistical tools, and effectively present scientific information with written and oral forms of communication. Offered every Fall and Spring.
BIOL 2092 - Opportunities in Biology - 1 hour
Prereq: none
A review of job opportunities in Biology and closely related areas. Credit not to be applied to Biology major or endorsement. Offered once each year.
BIOL 211GS - Human Microbiology - 4 hours
Prereq: none
This course is not a preliminary for BIOL 400 Microbiology (only one microbiology course may count towards the Biology major or minor). Basic microbiology and immunology with emphasis on health-related topics. Two hour laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 215GS - Human Physiology - 4 hours
Prereq: three years of high school science including biology and chemistry and a minimum score of 20 on the ACT OR equivalent OR a college science course OR departmental permission
The systems of the human body and how they function. Two hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 225 - Anatomy and Physiology - 4 hours
Prereq: CHEM 145GS or CHEM 150GS or CHEM 160GS*; three years of high school science including biology and a minimum score of 20 on the ACT OR equivalent OR a college science course OR departmental permission
A study of the anatomy and physiology of the systems of the human body and how they function including cellular mechanisms and tissues, the skin, the skeletal system, the muscular system and the nervous system. Two hours of laboratory each week. This course is primarily intended for students planning to pursue training in one of the Health Programs. Biology majors would normally complete BIOL 215GS* Physiology (4 hours) but may complete BOTH BIOL 225* and BIOL 226* (8 hours) to meet the physiology requirement. Fee required. Offered Fall only.
BIOL 226 - Anatomy and Physiology - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 225* or permission of instructor
A continuation of the study of the systems of the human body including the circulatory system and its components, the lymphatic system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine glands and the reproductive system. Two hours of laboratory each week. Biology majors would normally complete BIOL 215GS* Physiology (4 hours) but may complete BOTH BIOL 225* and BIOL 226* (8 hours) to meet the physiology requirement. Fee required. Offered Spring only.
BIOL 280HGS - Special Topics - 3 hours
Prereq: none
A General Studies course for Honors students. Interdisciplinary course that examines the connections between disciplines.
BIOL 290 - Evolution - 3 hours
Prereq: 8 hours of college biology
A study of the proposed mechanisms of Organic Evolution and how it serves as the unifying theme of Biology. Molecular, morphological and paleontological data will be emphasized. Offered each semester.
BIOL 301 - Introduction to Soils - 4 hours
Prereq: one course in general chemistry or permission of instructor
Introduction to soil development, morphology, distribution, chemistry, physics, classification, use, conservation, biology and pollution. Three hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Fall only.
BIOL 305 - Research Analysis - 3 hours
Prereq: none
This class introduces basic statistical concepts and tests. The class also explores experimental design. The concepts, tests, and problems in the class will be drawn from and focus on the biological sciences. This class will be offered every semester.
BIOL 307 - Ecology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
Population and community ecology; distribution and dispersal, population growth and regulation. Interpretation of ecological phenomena in laboratory, field and hypothetical systems. A laboratory or field exercise each week. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 309 - Cellular Biology - 4 hours
Prereq: 8 hours of college biology; CHEM 161GS*; CHEM 250* or CHEM 361* OR permission
Various types of cells, their structure, function and what they contribute to the functioning of the whole organism. Three hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 311 - Bioethics - 3 hours
Prereq: junior or senior standing or 24 hours of college biology/chemistry
This course will explore the process of ethical decision making with regard to recent advances in science and medicine. Environmental ethics and issues will also be included.
BIOL 325 - Medical Terminology - 1 hour
Prereq: none
This course is designed to assist students in health-related and life science programs to become familiar with complex terms and their derivation. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 330 - Wildlife Conservation - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
Problems of wildlife conservation, particularly as they apply to Nebraska. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered Fall, odd-number years. BIOL 201 and BIOL 307* are highly recommended.
BIOL 360 - Genetics - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 309*
Application based course covering the classical and molecular principles of inheritance. Concepts covered include various historical and mathematical concepts surrounding transmission, molecular, and population genetics. Three hours of lecture with a weekly three hour laboratory. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 375 - Scientific Communication - 1 hour
Prereq: BIOL 201
Provides the student with the opportunity to learn and become proficient in those manipulative skills and techniques which are essential and supportive to their role in a biological profession. Should be taken prior to enrolling in BIOL 420. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 380 - Agronomy - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 103GS or BIOL 106GS or permission of instructor
A study of crop production covering such topics as environmental requirements, soil, cultural practices, growth and development, water relations and economics. Offered Spring only.
BIOL 400 - Microbiology - 4 hours
Prereq: at least 8 hours of biology or departmental permission
This course is not a continuation of BIOL 211GS Human Microbiology (only one microbiology course, BIOL 211GS or BIOL 400, may count toward the Biology major or minor). An introduction to bacteria, viruses, rickettsias, and immunology; laboratory techniques stressed. One 3 hour laboratory each week. Prior completion or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 309* is also recommended. Fee required. Offered Spring only.
BIOL 401 - Principles of Immunology - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 211GS or BIOL 400; BIOL 309* or CHEM 351* OR permission of instructor
Topics to be covered include: 1) the structural and functional aspects of the immune system, 2) disorders of the immune system, 3) structure and function of antibody molecules, 4) immunobiology of tissue transplants, 5) basic aspects of cancer and cancer therapy that relate to immunology, 6) allergies, and 7) antigen-antibody interaction. Laboratory required. Fee required. Offered Spring only. BIOL 360* strongly recommended.
BIOL 403 - Plant Physiology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, one year of chemistry OR permission of instructor
Life processes of plants. Three hours of laboratory each week. Fee required. Offered Spring, odd-numbered years.
BIOL 404 - Developmental Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: 8 hours of college biology or permission of instructor
Principles of developmental processes with emphasis on the physiological and genetic events occurring during the growth and maturation of living organisms. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered Spring of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 405 - Range and Wildlife Management - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 307* or BIOL 418*
Basic principles of range and pasture management for use by domestic livestock and wildlife will be taught. Course includes 3 hours of field or laboratory work each week. Offered Spring, even-numbered years.
BIOL 406 - Plant Ecology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS, BIOL 307* OR permission of instructor
Plants in relation to their environment. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered fall of even-numbered years.
BIOL 409 - Biological Studies using GIS - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 307*
This course is an introduction to many aspects of using Geographic Information Systems as a natural resources tool. The class introduces cartographic concepts, tools such as Global Positioning System tools, and natural resource databases at the state and federal levels. In addition to lectures and labs where the software and tools are used, students also have the opportunity to complete projects using GIS and data of their own choosing. The main objective of the class is to give students enough familiarity with GIS software, data resources, and project design to be able to effectively produce their own projects. Offered Fall, every other semester.
BIOL 410 - Fire Ecology and Management in Grasslands - 1 hour
Prereq: none
Familiarizes students with the role of fire as a major ecosystem process in grasslands and its use as a management tool. Provides the opportunity for certification for prescribed burning and wildland firefighting at federal, state, or private agency levels.
BIOL 416 - Plant Diversity and Evolution - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
Morphology of each group of the plant kingdom. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered Spring, even-numbered years.
BIOL 418 - Plant Taxonomy - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
Classification and identification of vascular plants with emphasis on the prairies and plains. A family concept approach is utilized. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Fall only.
BIOL 420 - Biology Research - 1-5 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor must be obtained for enrollment, at least 16 hours of biology including BIOL 375* and specific biology courses necessary for the problem undertaken
Independent investigation of a biological problem, including a scientific write-up of the investigation and the results. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week for each hour of credit. Two hours credit required for a major or endorsement. Fee required. Offered Fall and Spring.
BIOL 430 - Special Topics in Biology - 1-6 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
Topics are studied which are not assigned or covered in other courses in the department. The format of this course will vary depending on the topic, instructor and the needs of students.
Topics in Botany
Topics in Fresh Water Biology
Topics in Vertebrate Biology
Topics in Invertebrate Biology
Topics in Nebraska Flora
Topics in Nebraska Fauna
Topics in Physiology
Topics in Geographic Information Systems
BIOL 433 - Invertebrate Zoology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS
This course provides an introduction to the biology of specific phyla, classes, and orders of invertebrates with emphasis on classification, morphology, structure and function of their internal anatomy, ecology and evolution, and fundamental concepts characteristic of this diverse animal group. Laboratory stresses anatomy, natural history and ecology of invertebrates. Offered in Fall of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 435 - Herpetology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
The study of amphibians and reptiles, including evolution, systematics, morphology, physiology, reproduction, behavior, ecology, natural history and conservation. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week focusing on field techniques for censusing herpetofaunal diversity and identification of Nebraska species. Offered fall of odd-numbered years.
BIOL 440 - Infectious Diseases - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 211GS or BIOL 400 or permission
This course focuses on the medical aspects of microbiology. The course will cover viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasitic protists. We will study the mechanisms of infection, disease progression, and immune response. Three hours of laboratory will be required each week. Offered Fall, odd-numbered years
BIOL 450 - Molecular Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 309*, BIOL 360* OR permission of instructor
The course is an in-depth discussion of the principles of modern molecular biology. Major topics to be covered are: (1) Organization and evolution of eukaryotic genomes and genes, (2) mRNA, protein synthesis and the genetic code, (3) transcription and its regulation in prokaryotic systems, (4) DNA replication, recombination and repair. 3 hours of lecture per week. Offered Spring only.
BIOL 452 - Techniques in Molecular Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 309* or CHEM 351*
The course is designed to familiarize the student with modern molecular biology techniques. Students will be exposed to a number of techniques including RNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction, cloning DNA, sequencing DNA, computer analysis of sequence data, expression of cloned genes in bacteria and protein analysis and purification procedures. One lecture and two three hour laboratories per week. Fall semesters only.
BIOL 456 - Regional Field Study - 1-4 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
This course is designed to introduce students to detailed biological studies of specific regions. Regions studied may vary depending upon instructor availability and student needs. Topics may include but are not limited to:
  • Tropical and Marine Island Biology
  • Natural History of Nebraska
  • Natural History of the Southwest
BIOL 461 - Human Genetics - 3 hours
Prereq: 8 hours of college biology or permission of the instructor
The course focuses on contemporary human genetics with emphases on genetic diseases. A study of the genetic basis and frequency of genetic defects in man and genetic counseling. Offered Spring of even-numbered years.
BIOL 462 - Animal Behavior - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 201, BIOL 307* OR permission of instructor
An introduction to the science of ethology. A survey of the mechanism, functions and development of behavior. Offered Spring, odd-numbered years.
BIOL 465 - Physiology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS or BIOL 106GS; BIOL 309*; CHEM 161GS*; organic chemistry OR permission of instructor
The structure and function of the systems of the vertebrate body. Three hours of laboratory each week. Offered Spring only.
BIOL 468 - Parasitology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS
The basic concepts of parasitology with emphasis on the major types of medically and economically important parasites (protozoa, helminthes, arthropods) will be covered, including life cycles, diagnosis, treatment, immunity, pathology, control, ecology, and evolution. Laboratory stresses identification of the various developmental stages of these parasites. Offered every Spring.
BIOL 470 - Insect Biology - 3 hours
Prereq: none
An introduction to insects and related arthropods. Emphasis is placed on morphology, physiology, taxonomy and ecology of insects. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered Fall, even-numbered years.
BIOL 471 - Methods in Secondary Science Teaching - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS, BIOL 290, admission to Teacher Education
An examination of current developments in curricula, methods and materials. Should be completed prior to student teaching. Laboratory time arranged. Offered Fall only.
BIOL 472 - Fresh Water Biology - 4 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
Characteristics of inland waters, the forces and processes which mold and maintain the integrity of these waters, and the interrelationships between the physical factors and the organism inhabiting the environment with a focus on classification, anatomy, distribution, ecology, physiology and management of fishes. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week. Offered Fall, even-numbered years.
BIOL 473 - Ornithology - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS, BIOL 106GS OR permission of instructor
The study of birds, including evolution, systematics, morphology, physiology, reproduction, behavior, ecology, natural history and conservation. Three hours of laboratory or field work each week with emphasis on field methods and identification of Nebraska species. Offered Spring, even-numbered years.
BIOL 474 - Mammalogy - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 105GS or permission of instructor
Introduction to mammals; ecology, classification, physiology, and behavior. Three-hour laboratory per week for preparation and identification of specimens. Offered Fall, even-numbered years.
BIOL 475 - Internship in Biology - 1-15 hours
Prereq: at least 12 hours of biology, junior or senior standing, permission of instructor
Students should have completed coursework related to the internship experience. This course involves practical experience and emphasizes the professional development of the individual student. Offered each semester.
BIOL 480 - Seminar - 1 hour
Prereq: at least 20 hours of biology or permission of instructor
A group study of the mechanisms of Organic Evolution and how it serves as the unifying theme of biology. Each student will prepare and present a minimum of one seminar on an assigned topic.
BIOL 485 - Molecular Genetics - 3 hours
Prereq: BIOL 360* or BIOL 461
An in-depth study of gene structure and replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Gene function in developing and differentiated cells will also be studied in detail. Offered Spring, odd-numbered years.

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

19 Mar 2008
