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Kenya Taylor, Dean

eCampus at UNK has been meeting the educational needs of placebound, nontraditional adults for over three decades by offering quality, affordable programs. UNK offers the same quality distance and online degree programs and courses that are offered on the campus. The majority of the instruction is taught by credentialed faculty with Ph.D.’s who are committed to quality teaching. eCampus provides many of the faculty and student support services to ensure the quality of online educational offerings. These include training for online faculty, course consultations, test proctoring, as well as a wide range of resources to help students succeed with their online education.

As part of the eCampus unit, Video Services provides a wide range of video related services to the UNK community. Among these are interactive videoconferencing, desktop videoconferencing, streaming video, taping and duplicating. In addition, Video Services oversees the delivery of Cable TV services to the campus.

26 Apr 20080
