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Offered by Department of Marketing and Management Information Systems
College of Business and Technology

BMKT Courses

BMKT 300 - Principles of Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: sophomore standing
The course will inform students of the theories, principles, and methods involved in the transaction and organized exchange of goods and services. Discussion of the history and evolution of marketing, its present-day challenges, and strategies connected with developing, pricing, promoting, and distributing goods and/or services. F, Sp.
BMKT 331 - Professional Selling - 3 hours
Prereq: none
An examination of the role of professional selling as a key component of marketing communications. Various techniques of professional selling and methods for developing long-term relationships with customers are explored, including the use of role-playing. F, Sp.
BMKT 336 - Services Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: none
This course presents concepts and strategies for addressing the distinctive marketing challenges in service industries, including the tourism, hospitality, banking, healthcare, and professional services. F.
BMKT 395 - Field Experiences in Practical Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: none
The course offers a series of on-site activities designed to allow the student to experience, analyze and develop a marketing plan for an organization in a major market area. Primary and secondary data research emphasizing marketing functions, business interactions, sociocultural relationships and global impact will be utilized. Sum. on demand.
BMKT 420 - Retail Management - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 or permission of instructor
A study of retail institutions and the basic principles and methods of retail merchandising, buying, and selling; store location, layout and operation; store and personnel management. F.
BMKT 430/830P - International Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 or permission of instructor
A comprehensive overview of existing international marketing systems, history and development. Sp.
BMKT 433/833P - Marketing Channels Management - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 or permission of instructor
How to design, organize and control the alliances among the institutions, agencies, and within a company unit involved with the process of making certain that products and services are available for consumption by industrial, commercial, and household end users. On demand.
BMKT 434/834P - Business-to-Business Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300
Marketing in the business-to-business environment including trade, institutional, service, agribusiness, and governments; study of purchasing and buyer behavior in organizations; determination of business-to-business marketing strategies as well as e-business strategies. On demand.
BMKT 435/835P - Marketing Research - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 and BMGT 233* OR BMKT 300 and STAT 241*
Structuring research procedures to aid managerial decision making. Emphasis is on development and completion of a marketing research project. F.
BMKT 437/837P - Sales Management - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 or BMKT 331 or permission of instructor
The concepts and practices of an established body of management knowledge used to cope with the dynamic business environment of both direct and telemarketing sales; job descriptions and qualifications, recruiting, training, determining sales potential, establishing workloads, scheduling, allocating quotas, compensating, controlling, and evaluating sales and people. Sp.
BMKT 438/838P - Consumer Behavior - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 and junior standing or permission of instructor
A detailed and in-depth analysis of why and how people buy, based upon an understanding of the nature of consumer behavior on both the micro and macro level; includes the effects of internal and external influences on decision making. F.
BMKT 440/840P - Advertising Management - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300 or permission of instructor
A study of advertising as a marketing function with emphasis on planning and implementing the advertising campaign, creating copy and layouts, media selection, and scheduling. F, Sp.
BMKT 444 - Person Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: Senior standing or permission of instructor
Students will gain the skills to market individuals, i.e., how to take the unique product--"a specific person" to the marketplace. Students will learn to create SWOT analysis for the person they are marketing using creative problem-solving skills. Students will develop a marketing plan to market themselves.
BMKT 450 - Pharmaceutical Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: Senior standing or permission of instructor
Students will gain the skills to market pharmaceuticals, I.E. how to take product "science" to the marketplace. Student's analytical, creative, problem-solving decision skills will be enhanced to improve success of product in the marketplace. Students will work on project conducting a market analysis, including a competitor assessment, and a marketing plan for an assigned pharmaceutical drug.
BMKT 456 - Marketing Management - 3 hours
Prereq: BMKT 438*, BMKT 435*
A capstone marketing course covering market analysis, marketing plan development, execution and control; integrates and builds upon previous specialized marketing courses. Sp.
BMKT 457/857P - E-Marketing - 3 hours
Prereq: Passing score on Business Computer Proficiency
The pragmatic and theoretical aspects of E-marketing, including E-mail orders and direct response advertising, reassurability and accountability, E-mail lists and data, plus the integration of E-marketing programs into total marketing efforts and into overall organization goals and functions. On demand.
BMKT 475 - Marketing Internship - 1-15 hours
Prereq: BMKT 300
A work experience program planned for students preparing for employment in business and industry. Internships above three credit hours need marketing advisor approval.
BMKT 498 - Marketing Topics - 3 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
Selected topics and problems of current interest considered in depth. Class discussion and course projects. Topics vary each semester depending upon instructor. On demand.
BMKT 499 - Special Problems in Business - 1-3 hours
Prereq: permission of Department Chair
Independent investigations of business problems. Topics to be investigated may be tailored to meet the needs of the student. A case study course designed (1) to integrate the knowledge acquired in other courses in business administration, and 2) to emphasize analysis and decision-making. F, Sp.

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

9 May 2007
