Offered by Department of Psychology
College of Natural and Social Sciences
PSY Courses
- PSY 192 - Death and Dying - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: none
Issues of death and dying are discussed from the perspectives of medicine, psychology,
religion, philosophy, law and other fields. Spring only.
- PSY 203GS - General Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
The fundamental concepts of psychology as derived through the scientific
investigation of behavior are described.
- PSY 210HGS - Issues in Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course is an introduction to the field of psychology through exposure to unresolved
theoretical issues. The student receives a review of psychology by dealing with data,
evidence, opinion, fact and values.
- PSY 220 - Introductory Psychology Seminar - 1 hour
- Coreq: PSY 203GS, PSY 230GS, or PSY 231
Small group activities in laboratory, discussion group, or seminars that supplement an
introductory course.
- PSY 230GS - Human Development - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Human growth and development is surveyed from the prenatal period through old age and
death. Emphasis is placed on physiological, cognitive, and social/personality developments
at the various age levels.
- PSY 231 - Abnormal Behavior and Society - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
An introduction to the various models for understanding abnormal behavior, e.g., genetic
and developmental models; the descriptions of predominant mental disorders, and major
modern treatment interventions. The course is recommended for those majoring in fields other than psychology.
- PSY 250 - Behavioral Statistics - 4 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The methodology used in scientific research is described along with the special problems
that psychologists face in the interpretation of research results. Prior completion of
college algebra is recommended. One laboratory each week.
- PSY 270 - Experimental Psychology - 4 hours
- Prereq: PSY 250*
Advanced methods in data collection are presented. Research designs and their
appropriateness for specific areas of study are reviewed. One laboratory each week.
- PSY 280HGS - Special Topics - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
An interdisciplinary General Studies course for Honors students that examines the
connections between disciplines. Topic: Science and Skepticism.
- PSY 300 - Orientation to Psychology - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 203*, declared
major in Psychology
An informal review of academic, professional, and career planning issues of a psychology
- PSY 310 - Learning and Conditioning - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The concepts and principles of learning are studied in detail. Data from human and animal
experimentation are considered. Prior completion of PSY 270* is recommended.
- PSY 310L - Learning and Conditioning Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
Aspects of conditioning and learning are demonstrated. Must be taken concurrently with PSY 310.
- PSY 312 - Sensation and Perception - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Sensory and perceptual systems are examined in detail. Prior completion of PSY 270* is recommended.
- PSY 312L - Sensation and Perception Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
Sensory and perceptual phenomena are reviewed within a laboratory setting. Must be taken
concurrently with PSY 312*.
- PSY 313 - Physiological Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The relationships between physiological processes and human behaviors are studied. Prior
completion of PSY 270* is
recommended. Fall only.
- PSY 313L - Physiological Psychology Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
The techniques and methodology used in the study of the biological influences on behavior
are introduced. Must be taken concurrently with PSY 313.
Fall only.
- PSY 317 - Biopsychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Biopsychology deals with the interaction of biology and behavior from the molecular to the
molar level. All levels of interaction are investigated. Prior completion of PSY 270* is recommended. Spring
- PSY 317L - Biopsychology Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
Biopsychology Laboratory uses the methods of Ethology and Comparative Psychology to
investigate the relationship between biology and behavior. Must be taken concurrently with
PSY 317. Spring only.
- PSY 318 - Experimental Social Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
An exploration of the theories, methods and research regarding the relationship of the
individual to others and to society. Topics include person perception, interpersonal
attraction, attitudes, and attitude change, conformity and leadership. Prior completion of
PSY 270* is recommended.
Fall only.
- PSY 318L - Experimental Social Psychology Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
A review of social psychological research methods, including experimental and
quasi-experimental designs, unobtrusive measures, field studies, behavioral and verbal
measurement, the avoidance of bias, and ethical issues in research. Fall only.
- PSY 370 - History and Systems of Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The ideas of individuals who have influenced the development of psychology as a science
from the ancient Greeks to the 20th century are reviewed.
- PSY 371 - Environmental Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The relationships between behavior and natural and man-made environments are addressed.
Spring only, alternate even years.
- PSY 372 - Cross-Cultural Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Examines psychological processes related to perception, cognition, human development,
psychopathology, gender influences and social behavior from a cross-cultural perspective.
Current theories, methods and research findings are discussed. Prior completion of PSY 270* is recommended. Spring
- PSY 374 - Psychology of Gender - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Motivational levels, goals, self-concept, and various personality characteristics which
differentiate between women and men are studied. Rearing differences between boys and
girls and their accompanying behavioral expectations are studied as well as the
development of sex differences in intellectual and biological functions. Fall only, odd
- PSY 376 - Psychology and Criminal Behavior - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Criminal behavior and rehabilitative efforts will be investigated in light of
psychological research, theory and clinical experience. Various potential causes of
criminal behavior will be explored. Psychology's role within the legal system will also be
- PSY 399 - Psychology Apprenticeship Programs - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Students assist faculty members as research assistants, as classroom discussion leaders,
as proctors in PSI courses, or in preparing special lectures or programs. Departmental
permission required. PSI proctoring is recommended for those students preparing to take
the Graduate Record Exam.
- PSY 403/803P - Motivation - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The principal issues, methods, and theories of motivation are thoroughly examined. Offered
on demand.
- PSY 406/806P - Theories of Personality - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Personality theories from Freud to contemporary theorists are discussed. Prior completion
of PSY 370* is recommended.
Spring only.
- PSY 407/807P - Psychopathology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 270*
Current theoretical models and research are applied toward understanding the descriptions
and causes of the predominant mental disorders. The course is based on the diagnostic
system employed by most mental health professionals. Fall only.
- PSY 407L/807L - Psychopathology Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
The methodology used in the study of common psychopathological patterns is reviewed and
applied in original group projects. Ethical considerations in this research area are
emphasized. Must be taken concurrently with PSY 407*.
- PSY 408 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 407*, junior
The student will be introduced to the various professional activities and settings of
clinical psychologists (psychologists trained to independently assess, diagnose, and treat
mental disorder). Special emphasis will be given to psychotherapeutic interventions. Spring
- PSY 408F - Field Experience in Clinical Psychology - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 203GS, junior standing
and permission of instructor
Students will visit a clinical facility for three hours a week and process their learning
experiences in a one hour weekly lab. Opportunities to interact with patients and staff
are included. Must be taken concurrently with PSY 408*. Permission of instructor
required. Spring only.
- PSY 410/810P - Industrial Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The application of the concepts of psychology to people at work is addressed. Topics
include personnel selection and appraisal, motivation, job satisfaction, employee
development, industrial engineering, and advertising. Spring only, alternate years.
- PSY 415/815P - Group Dynamics - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Group Dynamics includes the study of group development; structure; influence and
interaction and group outcomes. Students will apply material covered to various types of
groups such as dyads or couples, teams, collaborative learning groups, juries, cults and
crowds. Even years.
- PSY 416/816P - Eastern Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The psychological aspects of various Eastern philosophical traditions including Sufism,
Yoga, Taoism, and Buddhism are examined. The psychology of Zen is emphasized. Experiential
as well as theoretical approaches are used. Fall only.
- PSY 417/817P - Humanistic Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
The tenets and methods of humanistic psychology, its historical roots, theoretical
concepts, and how it is distinguished from Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism are reviewed.
Group discussion format is used. Spring only.
- PSY 420/820P - Advanced Research Design and Analysis in Psychology - 3
- Prereq: PSY 270* or permission of instructor
Advanced multivariate statistical techniques are explored, including Multiple Regression,
Canonical Correlation, MANOVA, Discriminant Function Analysis, and Factor Analysis.
Special emphasis is placed on computer analysis and on deciding which techniques are
appropriate for various data sets. Fall only.
- PSY 421 -
Psychology of Religion - 3
- Prereq: PSY 203
The developmental, experiential, social, and clinical
psychological aspects of religiousness will be studied from a scientific
- PSY 421L -
Psychology of Religion Lab - 1
- Prereq: PSY 270*
Students will work in groups to formulate a research
hypothesis based upon their review of a body of literature within the field.
Groups will then design and implement a scientific study.
- PSY 430/830P - Memory and Cognition - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Topics concerning intellectual functioning are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on the
information processing approach to the study of mental life. Topics include perception,
attention, consciousness, memory, problem solving, and language. Prior completion of PSY 270* is recommended. Spring
- PSY 430L - Memory and Cognition Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
The methodology used in the study of cognitive processes is reviewed. Must be taken
concurrently with PSY 430*.
Spring only.
- PSY 450/850P - Psychometrics - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Basic measurement concepts, the selection, administration, and interpretation of
standardized tests are reviewed. Prior completion of PSY 270* is recommended.
Spring only, odd years.
- PSY 450L/850L - Psychometrics Lab - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 203GS
Must be taken concurrently with 450/850. Practical experience in test construction and the
application of concepts such as norms, standardization, reliability and validity. Prior
completion of PSY 250* is
recommended. Spring only, odd years.
- PSY 453/853P - Developmental Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS or
The psychology of child development is studied. Special emphasis is placed on experimental
findings related to the development of physical, intellectual and cognitive functioning,
and the development of personality. Prior completion of PSY
270* is recommended. Fall only.
- PSY 453L - Developmental Psychology Laboratory - 1 hour
- Prereq: PSY 270*
Methods of studying children and adolescents are investigated. Must be taken concurrently
with PSY 453*. Fall only.
- PSY 455/855P - Adolescent Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS or
Adolescent development is comprehensively reviewed. The intellectual, physical, and
social/moral development of adolescents is discussed, along with the special problems of
young adults. Spring only.
- PSY 462/862P - Adult Development and Aging - 3 hours
- Prereq: PSY 203GS or
The changes in physical, cognitive and social/personality development during adulthood are
addressed. Spring only.
- PSY 465/865P - Psychopharmacology - 3 hours
- Prereq: Permission of instructor
The course consists of an introduction to pharmacology as a science followed by a discussion of therapeutic and recreational
psychoactive drugs. Psychoactive drugs are discussed in relation to their effect on behavior and nervous system physiology. Prior
completion of PSY 203GS, background in physiological psychology, or background in biology is recommended.
Spring only, even years.
- PSY 470/870P - Neuropsychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: Permission of instructor
The relationship between human brain function and behavior is investigated. Special emphasis is placed on the behavioral effects
of brain injury and methods of neuropsychological assessment. Prior completion of PSY 313*
is recommended. Spring only odd years.
- PSY 475 - Practicum - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: 24 completed hours of psychology coursework, permission of the department
This course gives the student the opportunity to gain experience in the application of
psychological principles in various settings.
- PSY 475G - Practicum in Gerontology - 3 hours
- Prereq: Completion of 15 hours in the minor, permission of the director of the
gerontology program
This course gives the student the opportunity to work with professionals in the field of
aging. Includes 120-180 actual contact hours during the practicum experience.
- PSY 480/880P - Advanced Seminar in Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: At least 12 completed hours of psychology coursework, junior/senior/graduate
standing, permission of the instructor
An in-depth examination of a particular topic in one of 13 designated areas of psychology.
Taught in seminar format. Topics will be announced during the preceding semester. Offered
on an irregular basis.
- PSY 493 - Readings in Psychology - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: 24 completed hours of psychology coursework, permission of the department
The student designs a set of readings in a chosen area of psychology. The work is
completed under the supervision of the Department Chair.
- PSY 499 - Research in Psychology - 3 hours
- Prereq: 24 completed hours of psychology coursework including PSY 270*,
permission of the Department Chair
The student engages in a research project of his/her own design. The project is supervised
by a psychology faculty member.
* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is
required prior to this immediate prerequisite.