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General Studies Information


(3 hours required; up to 6 hours count as General Studies credit. One course must be a Math or Statistics course at the level of Math 102 or higher. MATH 090, MATH 101 and MATH 104 do not count as General Studies.)

In addition to those objectives required of all General Studies courses, students will:

  1. demonstrate the ability to manage and interpret numerical data using the appropriate mathematical tools,
  2. demonstrate the ability to express formal, mathematical relationships using logical analyses and differing forms of mathematical reasoning,
  3. demonstrate the ability to utilize mathematical techniques in order to define problems and to search for strategies for testing solutions.

Mathematics/Statistics Courses
(3 hours required; up to 6 hours count as General Studies credit.)

Any courses offered by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the level of Math 102 or above may count for General Studies credit.
(Math 090 and 101 do not count as General Studies.)

Computer Science Courses
(0 hours required; up to 3 hours count as General Studies credit.)
The following computer science courses may count towards the Math requirement beyond the 3 hour minimum which must be taken within Math/Statistics:

CSIS 109GS, FORTRAN Programming - 3 hours
CSIS 110GS, Structured COBOL Programming - 3 hours
CSIS 111GS, Applied BASIC Programming - 3 hours
CSIS 130GS, Introduction to Computer Science - 3 hours

11 May 2006