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Cultural Diversity and Writing Intensive courses may come from anywhere within the curriculum but are approved and administered by the General Studies council and the director of General Studies.

12 Hours of Writing Intensive Courses
Writing intensive courses are courses outside of the Communications area, i.e., ENG 101, 102, which are designed to further develop the student's writing skills. In general, writing intensive courses (1) provide students with the opportunity to revise their written work in order to develop their writing skills and (2) use a grading system in which a significant portion of the student's grade is based on written work. Students are required to complete twelve hours of writing intensive courses. Courses which meet this requirement are designated WI in the class schedule. A current list of approved WI courses is available.
6 Hours of Cultural Diversity
Students are required to complete six hours of coursework which are designed to enhance an understanding of cultural diversity. In general, cultural diversity courses provide students with an understanding of the experiences and values of groups and cultures outside the mainstream of American life. These courses may be outside the General Studies area. Courses which meet this requirement are designated CD in the class schedule. A current list of approved CD courses is available.

11 May 2006