VOED Courses
Offered by Department of Business Administration/Business Education
College of Business and Technology
- VOED 420/820P - Vocational Evaluation and Assessment in School
Settings - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course is designed to assist the prospective teacher as well as the practitioner in
assessing the vocational or occupational strengths and weaknesses of students. Particular
emphasis will be placed on, but not limited to, the disadvantaged and individuals with
disabilities. Several systems for assessing students' potential will be covered in the
- VOED 431/831P - Coordinating Techniques - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Analysis of vocational cooperative programs and their relationship to the comprehensive
school curriculum. Emphasizes the organization and supervision of cooperative programs,
the duties and responsibilities of the coordinator, selection and placement of students,
evaluation of training stations and evaluation of student occupational competencies.
Required of all who plan to enter a cooperative education teaching situation.
- VOED 432/832P - Foundations and Contemporary Issues in Vocational
Education - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: none
Origins and philosophy of vocational education and its relationship to the school
curriculum. Required for vocational endorsement and recommended as an elective for school
- VOED 434/834P - Introduction to Students with Special Needs - 3
- Prereq: none
A study of the characteristics of disadvantaged and individuals with disabilities.
Emphasis is on the identification, similarities, differences, learning characteristics,
manifest behaviors, and cultural diversity of these students. Multicultural values are
examined with an emphasis toward understanding the impact upon classroom organization and
- VOED 435/835P - Programming for Students with Special Needs - 3
- Prereq: none
Development of alternative curricula for disadvantaged and individuals with disabilities.
Participants will develop learning materials based on learning style, academic development
level, interest and specific strengths. Emphasis will also be on modifying and adapting
present curriculum to meet individual student needs.
- VOED 436/836P - Career Guidance for Students with Special Needs - 3
- Prereq: none
Designed to assist teachers and counselors of special needs students in developing
practical procedures for effective occupational guidance. Emphasis will be on the
teacher's role in the guidance aspect of a student's total school program. Class members
will have an opportunity to survey a variety of resources which will assist them in
helping disadvantaged and individuals with disabilities with their career planning.
- VOED 440/840P - Special Interest Seminar/Short Course in Vocational
and Technical Education - 1 hour
- Prereq: none
The purpose of this seminar/short course is to elaborate on common-core competencies
inherent within the vocational-technical education programs. This seminar/short course
will enable the student to meet specific needs by obtaining pertinent information and
developing relevant competencies in special interest areas. This seminar/short course will
be offered primarily for off-campus special interest groups or classes throughout
A. Advisory Committees - 1 hour
B. Individualized Instruction - 1 hour
C. Vocational Needs Analysis - 1 hour
D. Youth Organizations - 1 hour
E. Career Education Orientation - 1 hour
F. Vocational Technical Program Development - 1 hour
G. Occupational Analysis Techniques - 1 hour
H. School-Community Relations Programs - 1 hour
Each seminar/short course within the above block will carry one hour of credit. A student
will be allowed to accumulate a maximum of three hours credit from different series
- VOED 480/880P - Learning Style/Teaching Style - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: none
An introduction to the broad concept of Cognitive Styles, Learning Styles, Teaching
Styles, and Administrative Styles, Models such as those developed by Canfield, Dunn &
Dunn, ELSIE, Grasha-Reichmann, Gregoric, Hill, Keirsey, Kolb, McCarthy 4Mat System,
McKenney, Meyers-Briggs, Nowicki-Strickland, Witkin, etc. will be analyzed. Various
dimensions included in each model as well as the inventories used to identify those
dimensions will be analyzed. Discussion will focus on the application of these models to
the processes of teaching-learning, supervisor-supervisee, administrative, and peer
- VOED 499 - Special Problems in Vocational Education - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: Permission of instructor
Independent investigations of vocational education problems. Topics to be investigated may
be tailored to meet the needs of the student.