Telecommunications Minor
MN 1009
(For Business Administration, Computer Science and Information Systems majors)
- Minimum required for minor = 29
- Requirements
- Take all the following:
- ITEC 150GS, Telecommunications Literacy - 3
- ITEC 220, Electricity/Electronics - 3 hours
- ITEC 320, Applied Electronics - 3 hours
- ITEC 330, Telecommunications Preceptorship - 4
- ITEC 335, Telecommunications Basic Concepts - 3
- ITEC 345, Transmission Systems in Communication
- 4 hours
- ITEC 390, Telecommunication Law - 3 hours
- ITEC 430, Telecommunications Systems - 3 hours
- ITEC 485, Telecommunications Seminar - 3 hours
(Prereq: Senior Standing)
11 May 2006