College of Natural and Social Sciences

Department of

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History Option - Bachelor of Arts Degree
History-Social Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
History Teaching Subject Endorsement Option - Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree
History-Social Science Teaching Field Endorsement Option - Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree
Minor in History
Minor in Social Science (for Elementary Education majors).
HIST and SOSC Courses

James German, Chair
Professors: R. Davis, Schuyler, Volpe
Associate Professors: German, Lilly
Assistant Professors: Ailes, Barua, Rieder

Department Objectives:

To make students aware of the cultural heritage of humankind and the great problems that people have faced throughout history and how they have sought to solve them;
To pass on to students many of the values of democratic government, of our heritage of political freedoms and institutions, and an appreciation of the pluralistic nature of American society and the contributions to our national growth and culture by all groups;
To enable students to understand the contemporary world through the perspective of history;
To stimulate intellectual curiosity and encourage habits of critical thinking;
To cultivate in students the virtues of intellectual humility, tolerance, and community;
To train students in the use of the historical method in the solution of problems;
To help students arrive at intelligent, logical, and reasoned opinions which may be subject to change when additional facts are brought to their attention;
To prepare students for graduate work in history and the other social sciences;
To prepare students for a career in teaching and other professional fields.

Four Options are available in this major:

  1. History Option - Bachelor of Arts Degree
  2. History-Social Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
    Economics Emphasis
    Geography Emphasis
    Political Science Emphasis
    Psychology Emphasis
    Sociology Emphasis
  3. History Teaching Subject Endorsement Option - Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree
  4. History-Social Science Teaching Field Endorsement Option - Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree
    Economics Emphasis
    Geography Emphasis
    Political Science Emphasis
    Psychology Emphasis
    Sociology Emphasis

A minor in History is available for students pursuing majors in other disciplines. Elementary Education majors may also minor in Social Science.

Courses with the prefixes HIST and SOSC are offered by the department.

16 May 2005

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