Offered by UNMC College of Nursing, Kearney Division



NU 262  - Professional Nursing - 2 credits
Prereq: Admission to Nursing Major
This course begins the student's development as a professional nurse. It will cultivate students as co - participants engaging in a variety of learning interactions. The traditional and evolving roles of the professional nurse will be explored with an emphasis on societal forces. The philosophy and conceptual framework of the College of Nursing at UNMC will be examined and the relationship among the concepts will be explored. Course content will promote acquisition of the professional role through the development and enhancement of lifelong learning skills. Class - 2 credit hours.

NU 268 - Health Assessment and Promotion - 4 credits
Prereq. or Concurrent: NU 262 and NU 280
The major focus of this course is a holistic approach to lifespan assessment of the well individual. Through the processes of knowing, relating, and developing the student will attain a better understanding of self and others. Students will examine health beliefs, identify factors impacting adoption of healthy life - style, and develop a health promotion plan for self and others. Students will use knowledge from prerequisite and concurrent courses as they obtain health histories and perform physical examinations on selected clients. They will identify expected findings, identify the presence of alterations, and explore health promotion behaviors. Further skills to be developed include: interviewing, developing a narrative, formulating a health history, developing assessment skills in the physical, psychosocial, developmental, cultural, spiritual, and environmental areas. Completed assessments will be used in the framework of the nursing process. The role of the nurse as a competent, caring professional will be applied to health assessment and health promotion. Class - 2.5 credit hours. Lab - 1.5 credit hours.

PHARM 270 - Pharmacology - 2 credits
Prereq: none
The primary goal of this course is to provide basic pharmacologic information that will impart an understanding of the action of drugs on the human organism, so that the nursing student can apply this knowledge prior to, during, and after the judicious administration of drugs in the practice of nursing. Familiarity with the general pharmacologic actions of common classes of drugs will enable the nurse to be better able to evaluate expected therapeutic responses in patients, as well as to evaluate for possible adverse effects. The student will be introduced to basic pharmacology with an emphasis on how drugs act in humans in ways that relate to nursing. This is accomplished through utilization of the nursing process: assessment, intervention and evaluation. Knowledge of the science of pharmacology is integrated by nursing in the care of humans as bio - psycho - social - spiritual beings. This course provides the nurse with an indispensable base of current knowledge that is utilized to make effective clinical judgements when providing nursing for health care consumers.

NU 280 - Foundations of Nursing Care - 4 credits
Coreq: NU 262, NU 268
This course provides theory and practice focusing on essential psychomotor and therapeutic interpersonal skills for professional nursing. Students are given an opportunity to develop and practice skills in laboratory and clinical settings with adult clients. Class - 2.5 credit hour. Lab - 1.5 credit hour.


NU 320 - Family Centered Nursing Care of Adults I - 7 credits
Prereq: NU 262, NU 268;
Prereq. or Concurrent: NU 270, NU 280, NU 325

This course focuses on the nursing care of individual adult clients within the context of their families. Core knowledge from prerequisite and corequisite courses will be used to support integration of content. Emphasis will be placed on the students' beginning utilization of decision making models and development of clinical judgment to restore, promote and protect the health care of adult clients. A variety of health care settings will be utilized to maximize student experiences. Through the processes of knowing, relating, and developing the student will attain a better understanding of self and adult clients and their families. Class - 4 credit hours. Lab - 3 credit hours.

NU 325 - Pathophysiologic Basis of Alterations in Health - 4 credits
Prereq: Anatomy and Physiology, permission of instructor
This course focuses on the pathophysiologic basis for selected alterations in health across the life span. Theories of disease causation will be explored. Acquired, immune, infectious, carcinogenic and genetic alterations in health in the body systems will be presented with an emphasis on etiology, cellular and systemic pathophysiologic response and clinical manifestations. Interdisciplinary management will be introduced. Class - 4 credit hours.

NU 399 - Evaluating Nursing Research - 2 credits
Prereq: Level I, Statistics, permission of instructor
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the research process and its relationship to nursing science. Emphasis is placed on the components of the research process, the concepts and terms associated with the process, and the evaluation of published research reports so that research may be utilized in professional practice. Class - 2 credit hours.


NU 340 - Family-Centered Maternity Nursing - 5 credits
Prereq: All Level I and Level II or permission of instructor
This course focuses on the nursing care of the at low/high risk childbearing family across antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and newborn periods. Common women's health issues across the life span will be addressed. Decision - making processes are applied in a family centered approach to promote and to restore women's health. The concepts of wellness, developing, relating and knowing are integrated into the nursing care. Current trends and issues related to family centered maternity and women's health will be explored. Ambulatory, inpatient and home management of various levels of wellness will be implemented in a variety of clinical settings. Class - 3 credit hours. Lab - 2 credit hours.

NU 350 - Family-Centered Nursing Care of Children - 5 credits
Prereq: Completion of Level I and II or permission of instructor
This course focuses on the application of problem - solving approaches to promote, protect, and restore the health of children from infancy through adolescence within the context of the family. The concepts of growth, developing, relating and knowing are emphasized. Current trends and issues related to family - centered health care of children will be explored. A variety of clinical experiences will be provided in ambulatory, inpatient and community settings. Class - 3 credit hours. Lab - 2 credit hours.

NU 425 - Concepts, Issues, and Nursing Care Related to Chronic Health Conditions - 4 credits
Prereq: Level I, and Level II
This course focuses on the developmental tasks and biopsychosocial coping of clients and families experiencing chronic physical health conditions across the life span. The instructional strategy of problem-based learning will be used to assist students to examine major problems and issues related to chronicity. During seminar sessions, students will use their decision-making skills to plan promotive, protective, and restorative care for selected case studies of clients with chronic health conditions and their families. Cultural, ethical, legal, and economic issues related to chronicity will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on collaboration and coordination to provide continuity of care in a variety of environments. During clinical experiences students will apply and evaluate empiric, ethical and personal knowledge and skills in development of practice knowledge and skills during interactive experiences with clients and families, health care providers, and agencies providing assistance with management of chronic physical conditions. Class - 2 credit hours. Lab - 2 credit hours.


NU 410 - Client-Centered Psychiatric Mental Health-Nursing - 4 credits
Prereq: Level I, Level II and Level III. Concurrent - NU420, permission of instructor
This course presents nursing care which emphasizes the process of relating to promote, restore, and protect the mental health of individuals and groups. This course will explore the human experience of mentally ill clients as they interact with environmental forces including their families and health care providers, Current trends and issues related to psychiatric mental health nursing will be explored, A variety of settings will be used to provide learning experiences. Class - 2 credit hours. Lab - 2 credit hours.

NU 420 - Community Health Nursing - 5 credits
Prereq: Level I, Level II, and Level III
Prereq. or Concurrent: NU 410

In this course students learn about community-focused nursing practice. The process of knowing focuses on introductory concepts of public health, community assessment, health program development, case management for individuals and families, and analysis of health risks for populations. Health promotion, protection, and restoration interventions for clients across the lifespan are emphasized in clinical practice. Concepts consistent with the nursing dimensions of relating and developing are expanded to include aggregates and multidisciplines in this community-focused experience. The influence of cultural diversity, economics, politics, environments, and ethics as they impact community health nursing practice are explored throughout the course. Opportunities to practice comprehensive, independent nursing care roles and function in unstructured, diverse health care environments are provided. Class - 2 credit hours. Clinical - 3 credit hours.

NU 460 - Gerontological Nursing - 4 credits
Prerequisites: Level I, Level II, and Level III
This course synthesizes scientific, conceptual and nursing content while focusing on the unique biopsychosocial factors related to the aging client. Demographic, environmental, ethnic, and cultural issues related to aging are explored. Emphasis is placed on the students' ability to apply complex clinical judgment and skills in promoting, protecting, and restoring older adults highest functional capacity. Clinical experiences are provided in diverse environments. Class - 2 credit hours. Lab - 2 credit hours.


NU 435 - Health Policy and Issues - 2 credits
Prereq: Level I, Level II, Level III and Level IV, permission of instructor
Emphasis in this course is on professional role development in relation to environmental, social, political, and economic factors which influence health care policy. Selected topics are examined to help students analyze issues, compare and contrast multiple views on issues, and formulate appropriate responses to health care policy. Class - 2 credit hours.

NU 450 - Family-Centered Nursing Care of Clients with Acute Complex Problems - 5 credits
Prereq: Level I, Level II, Level III, and Level IV
Prereq. or Concurrent: NU 435
This course focuses on nursing care of clients and their families who are experiencing acute alterations in health. Emphasis will be on restoration, protection and promotion of health in high acuity settings. Students will have the opportunity for follow-up of clients they have cared for during acute health alterations. Problem based approaches will be utilized in the planning, organization, and implementation of nursing care. Through the processes of knowing, relating, and developing, the student will gain an understanding of the human health experience as it relates to the acutely ill. Class - 2 credit hours. Clinical - 3 credit hours.

NU 470 - Nursing Management Strategies - 3 credits
Prereq: Level I, Level II, and Level III, and Level IV
Management of human, fiscal, and material resources to promote an environment facilitating delivery of health care is the focus of this course. Skills in influencing, collaborating, facilitating, negotiating, and building teams, selected management strategies, and development of personal effectiveness, accountability, and responsibility for maintaining standards of quality client care are emphasized. Class - 2 credit hours. Lab - 1 credit hour.

NU 480 - Transition to Professional Nursing - 4 credits
Prereq: Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV and NU 450, NU 460, and NU 470
This course is a clinical practicum which provides each student an opportunity to assume the role of a beginning professional nurse in concert with a registered nurse preceptor in a health care setting selected by the student in collaboration with faculty. During the practicum students integrate previously acquired knowledge and experience to develop self-reliance, build expertise, and begin role transition. Students employ the human processes of knowing, developing, and relating as they explore and demonstrate competency in the roles of provider of health care, coordinator of health care, and member of the profession. Lab - 4 credit hours.

NU 394 - Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Education - 1 credit
(to be taken by Advanced Placement students, RN or LPN students)
This course facilitates the transition of the advanced placement student into the educational program to the UNMC - CON. Development of a faculty and peer support system is central to this transition process. The student will explore concepts central to the development of a baccalaureate prepared nurse. Students will be introduced to strategies that will facilitate their educational process. Seminar. 1 credit hour.

NU 438 - Independent Study - 1-3 credits
(elective - students must file a plan of study with the instructor the semester before they intend to take this course)
Independent Study is designed to meet needs and interests of individuals and/ or groups of students for nursing theory and/or practice not offered in other courses. Self-directed learning requires independence in motivation and direction as students use their own unique learning abilities to accomplish their selected goals. Prerequisites: senior level standing in the College of Nursing or permission of instructor.

16 May 2005

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