Graduate students in both programs take comprehensive examinations at the end of their
coursework. |
Special Education: Through comprehensive examinations the Department
determined the areas of student strength are Behavior Management, Assessment, and
Programming. We have updated these areas to reflect the need in the Field and also
brought current best practices from research and experience to these areas. Students
were somewhat weak in the area of Inclusionary practices and collaboration, and we now
require the students to take SPED 812, Families, Professionals and Collaborative
Consultation (collaboration course recently revised in 1997), and SPED 834, Instruction
Needs of Students in Disabilities Inclusion Settings (Inclusionary Practices developed in
1997). |
No Assessment reported. |
No Assessment reported. |
Changes in comprehensive examinations for communication disorders graduate students were
initiated in Summer 1994. The format was revised to insure integration of course content.
Students now write in four general areas rather than responding to questions that related
to their specific graduate courses. Also, the timing of comprehensive examinations has
changed from being divided into the last two semesters to occurring during the final
semester of the graduate program. This allows the student to better integrate information
and skills from their coursework as well as all clinical experiences. On at least one
occasion every semester, CDIS faculty discuss the students' performance on these local and
national comprehensive examinations. Changes in comprehensive examinations for special education graduate
students were initiated in Fall 1994. The format was revised to insure better integration
of course content. Feedback is being collected from students and faculty. |
Graduate students in communication disorders continue to take comprehensive examinations
during their last two semesters of their graduate program. On at least one occasion every
semester, CDIS faculty discuss the students' performance on these local and national
comprehensive examinations. Changes
in comprehensive examinations for special education graduate students were initiated in
Fall 1994. The format was revised to insure better integration of course content. No
information is available but feedback will be collected from students and faculty and
discussed as a part of on-going program review.
Further, students complete surveys which
reflect competencies/skills expected to have been mastered at the end of their practicum
experience. Programmatic changes have been initiated as the result of the survey results
(IEP's, curriculum-based assessment, role of paraeducators, and inclusive programming). |
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17 May 2005 |