at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Social Work Program,
          Sociology Department
    > Survey

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Revised 1995-96
The Social Work Program will administer an alumni survey every other year, using the instrument developed by the Bachelor Program Directors (BPD) association. This allows for comparisons with other institutions.

It is our plan to develop a survey form which will be completed relative to their professional careers, indicating whether or not they are using any of the knowledge, values and skills acquired from the UNK Social Work Program and also highlighting the program's strengths and/or weaknesses.

1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
The BPD alumni survey is being sent to individuals who graduated Fall 1996 through alumni who graduated Summer 1998.
The results of the alumni survey were received and reviewed by the faculty members and the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee suggested that if 75% of the respondents felt they were not at least well prepared in an area that adjustments would be made in that area. When the committee met, they outlined 12 areas where refinement was needed and curriculum areas where content should be changed/added were identified. For some areas, changes had already been implemented, but were not reflected yet in alumni surveys.
The BPD outcomes survey was administered in May 1998 to alumni who had graduated December 1994 through August 1996. The results of the survey will be reviewed by the faculty, advisory board, and the curriculum committee. Changes and suggestions will be implemented during the 1999-2000 academic year.
The BPD outcomes survey will be sent out Fall 1997 to alumni who graduated December 1994 through August 1996.
We conducted a survey of alumni who graduated 1988 or later. Surveys were sent to 192 graduates, with 65 alumni returns. Fifty-four were employed in the field of Social Work. Generally, the comments were favorable, listing small class size, accessibility to instructors, volunteer/practicum experiences, and the generalist approach as the strength of the program. Concerns/weaknesses they listed included the need for a minor, the lack of course selection/infrequency of course offerings, lack of placement services, and turn over of faculty.

Some changes have already been implemented such as a change in frequency of course offerings. Persons from Career Services address the class on placement and resume writing. We are considering dropping the minor requirement and becoming a comprehensive major.

The survey instrument was developed and will be sent to alumni during the Fall 1995 semester.
A survey form was not developed and consequently not conducted. The assessment instrument will be developed this year and the survey will be mailed to recent alumni.

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17 May 2005