at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Sociology Department
    > Capstone Course

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Revised 1999
Social Survey is now SOC 370. Senior Seminar, SOC 468, is the new capstone course and it has not yet been offered.

We will be instituting the practice of employing the SOC 470 Social Survey course as our capstone course.


2001-2002 ASSESSMENT
Soc 468 Senior Seminar, the new capstone course, was not taught during the reporting time. The course is scheduled to be taught in Fall 2002.
2000-2001 ASSESSMENT
Soc 468 Senior Seminar is the new capstone course was taught in Spring 2001. The course was team taught by Kurt Borchard and Daryl Kelley. Their was no evaluation beyond the student evaluations.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
Soc 468, Senior Seminar, is the new capstone course and it is scheduled to be taught in Spring 2001.
Social Survey was offered in the spring of 1999.The class designed a survey that was used to collect data on sociological concepts. Each student completed a research paper that demonstrated mastery of the scientific method.

Senior Seminar, the new capstone course, will be offered in the summer of 2000 in response to student input.

Social Survey was offered in the spring of 1998. All of the students demonstrated the ability to develop sociological concepts and apply the scientific method to them.
The Capstone course, SOC 470 Social Survey class, was offered in the Spring of 1997. Because the instructor was not aware that the course would be used for student assessment purposes, the department has chosen not to include a report from this class.
The Capstone course, SOC 470 Social Survey class was not offered in the Spring. Instead, the course, SOC 338 Feminist Research Methods, was offered to a group of 21 students. A group of these students attended the Nebraska Undergraduate Sociological Symposium in the Fall of 1996 where they formed a panel discussion to speak about research issues they confronted in doing their feminist research in comparison with traditional research philosophy and methods. In my observation of these students, it was clear that they had developed research skills. In addition, they demonstrated enthusiasm for research methods and broad knowledge of traditional research methods as well.
The six Social Survey students took part in a research study as a group. The papers written were judged by department members as a demonstration that graduating Sociology Majors are capable of collecting data, using SPSS statistical package for analyzing the data, and writing up a research report.
A second measure of student assessment not utilized for this report is the Capstone Course, SOC 470 Social Survey. During the past year, our course offerings allowed students to substitute a more specialized course for the capstone. Instead, SOC 338, Feminist Research Methods was taught, a departmental service component for the interdisciplinary minor in Women's Studies. Although this course serves majors/minors in Sociology, Social Work Majors and students seeking an interdisciplinary minor in Women's Studies are likely to be enrolled. The capstone course will be offered Spring 1995.

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17 May 2005