Students who have completed original, empirical research projects have the opportunity to
submit them for possible presentation at the Nebraska Psychological Association meetings,
Great Plains Psychology Students' Conference and the Midwestern Psychological Association
convention. Our students participate in paper competitions sponsored by both NPA and Great
Plains. |
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
No Assessment reported. |
No Assessment reported. |
The number of students whose research projects that are of sufficient quality to be
presented at a regional conference and/or published has steadily increased. 1991-4 papers;
1992-5 papers; 1993-9 papers; 1994-14 papers, 1995 - 17 papers. In 1996, 16 students
presented papers in the Spring at either the Great Plains Psychology Student's Conference
or the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association conference. This Fall, nine students are
scheduled to present papers at the joint conference of the Nebraska Psychological Society
and the Association for Psychological and Educational Research in Kansas. In 1995-96, six
of our students have published their research in journals. |
The number of students whose research projects that are of sufficient quality to be
presented at a regional conference and/or published has steadily increased. 1991-4 papers;
1992-5 papers; 1993-9 papers; 1994-14 papers, 1995 - 17 papers. In addition, three
students currently have papers submitted to the Journal of Psychological Inquiry.
This suggests to us that our instruction is stimulating critical, scientific thinking by
our students. |
The number of students whose research projects that are of sufficient quality to be
presented at a regional conference and/or published has steadily increased. 1991-4 papers;
1992-5 papers; 1993-9 papers; 1994-14 papers. This suggests to us that our instruction is
stimulating high-quality critical scientific thinking in our students. |