at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

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A full formal review of the department assessment program is scheduled to occur in conjunction with the 5-year academic program review.
2000-2001 ASSESSMENT
We are adding a new component to our objective, standardized measures: an alumni survey published by ETS. This will allow us to compare our level of post-graduate student ratings of the program to that of over 7000 college alumni across the United States. Ratings will address the same ten areas as our current ETS student survey (see above). Other aspects of the assessment program will remain in place as they are.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
We no longer administer the "Comprehensive Exam" because the ACAT provides us with the same information: how well our students do in a given area contingent upon whether or not they had the relevant coursework. Further, the ACAT  is more representative (than the Comprehensive Exam) of the knowledge-base expectations of American psychologists in general. Junior/Senior-Level Laboratory Courses, Student Presentations at State/Regional Conferences and Studies of Student Learning have been replaced with Undergraduate Student Scholarship. Other components of the assessment program are providing useful feedback regarding the effects of the curriculum on writing ability and retention of knowledge, with the consensus that in general we should "stay the course."
A new standardized test, the ACAT, has been added. The five-year academic program review team expressed a concern that students may be insufficiently motivated to do well. We addressed this by expanding and standardizing the pre-exam instructions and rationale, and by making it easier for students to receive feedback on their performance. Beginning Spring 1998, students taking the comprehensive exam are given a full description of how both the department will use both the ACAT and local questions too evaluate itself. They are informed that outstanding, positive results can be used by faculty to enhance the student's letters of recommendation to employers and graduate schools. Students who desire to see their exam results indicate this in writing just before taking the exam and provide their addresses. Results are then forwarded as soon as they are available. Also, the necessity of the comprehensive exam is now written into the departmental requirements of the university catalog, so graduating students will not be surprised in their last semester in being asked to take the exam. Exam times are scheduled several weeks in advance, and students who cannot be at the scheduled administration are accommodated. The review team also suggested that in-depth interviews with graduating psychology majors and student portfolios would capture valuable information that standardized approaches miss. Plans are underway to develop procedures along these lines.
The plan to conduct a full formal review of the assessment program in conjunction with the 5 year academic program review remains. Each year, we have added additional assessment instruments or processes to our plan. This past year, we assessed the teaching endorsement which included a survey of peer institutions, recent graduates, etc. Also, we prepared a survey to go to Graduate Schools where we have frequently placed UNK graduates to assess the degree to which our students are prepared for graduate study.
The plan to conduct a full formal review of the assessment program in conjunction with the 5 year academic program review remains. Each year, we add additional assessment instruments or processes to our plan. This past year, we assessed the teaching endorsement which included a survey of peer institutions, recent graduates, etc. Currently, we are preparing a survey to go to Graduate Schools where we have frequently placed UNK graduates to assess the degree to which our students are prepared for graduate study.
We still plan to conduct a full formal review of the assessment program in conjunction with the 5 year academic program review.

The Department is currently working with the College of Education to conduct an assessment of our teaching endorsement. An assessment instrument designed to evaluate the extent to which teachers are able to meet the learning objectives of the endorsement is planned.

We still plan to conduct a full formal review of the assessment program in conjunction with the 5 year academic program review.

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17 May 2005