at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Physics and Physical Science Department
    > Standardized Testing

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Revised 1994-95
The Physics Department received funding from NSF and FIPSE to develop new approaches for the teaching of PHYS 205-206, General Physics, and PHYS 275-276, General Physics with calculus. As a part of the assessment for these grants, tests have been developed and used on a national level to pre and post test physics students. This test is a measure of what our students know coming in and of what improvement these courses make in their critical thinking skills and knowledge base.

Removed 1994-95

Feedback from graduates taking GRE exams which allow comparison to national norms in subject matter knowledge can be used to obtain an assessment of this goal. We also are considering use of tests which measure a student's general knowledge of physics if we can find one which is not too expensive to obtain or administer.

1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
1997-1998 ASSESSMENT
The department continued to give pre and post tests to students in general physics sections, in both the newly developed activity physics sections and the traditional general physics sections. Students demonstrated preparation equal to the national norm in the pre tests. The post tests continue to show a significantly higher level of understanding of the concepts of physics in the general physics classes taught using an activity approach.

Current staffing and lack of sufficient laboratories prevent us from converting additional sections of traditional physics to activity physics. Our plans for the future renovation of BHS include the creation of an additional laboratory so that we can convert the remaining physics sections to the new approach.

The test used to assess students' backgrounds prior to enrolling in physics, continue to indicate preparation equal to national norms. Those students who are in the pilot activity class sections improve significantly more than those in the traditional lecture/laboratory sections, equaling the national norms. The department is seeking funding to continue these sections when the grant presently funding them expires.
This was the first year for use of the pre and post test that were developed over a period of 8 years by physics teachers active in introducing new approaches to teaching physics. The pretest scores for students indicate that their backgrounds in physics coming into UNK are at national norms. Their improvement, indicated by post test, is significantly higher in the new activity class approach being developed, than in the traditional lecture/laboratory approaches.
Some students have given us feed back on Graduate Record Examinations. Their scores tend to confirm what is known nationally, that our students have high verbal and quantitative scores. We understand a test is being developed that may be useful.

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17 May 2005