at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Mathematics and Statistics Department
    > Placement

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In conjunction with the Alumni Survey, the department will send out an assessment instrument to individuals who graduated from any of our programs either three, four , or five years previously to determine employment or acceptance into graduate school.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
The placement section of our survey suggested that a large portion of our graduates in math education are employed in their field of preparation. Six of the seven individuals (85.7%) who returned the questionnaire are currently employed in education, and the remaining person is a homemaker.
This survey will be distributed in Fall 1999 and placement reported then.
This survey will be distributed in 2000 and placement reported then.

The placement section of our survey suggested that we have a large portion of our graduates employed in their field of preparation or in graduate school. The following reports the placement percentage of those returning the survey.

Mathematics Majors
Graduate school 72.7%
Business 45.4%
Industry 18.1%
Accountant .09%
Teaching .09%
Government .09%
Statistics/Actuarial Science Majors
Insurance Industry 20%
Quality Assurance 40%
Graduate School 20%
Own Business 20%
Mathematics Education Majors
Teaching Mathematics 87.3%
Teaching Non-mathematics 5.3%
Graduate School 47.4%
Own Business 5.3%

No changes in the program are indicated by this assessment.

This assessment has not be implemented.

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17 May 2005