at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Honors Program
    > Survey

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Beginning during the 1996-97 academic year we will pursue adding a question to teacher evaluation forms to help assess the Senior Studies classes and the Honors Program.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
We have continued to refine the faculty evaluation survey and have instituted a form which the faculty member can fill out about the program. From these we have continued to encourage faculty to improve their teaching skills. At the same time we are able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program from the faculty perspective. As a result of this interaction the faculty are more responsive in creation of new honors courses and in discovering how these can be offered in the general curriculum.
As a result of student input on the Faculty Evaluation Survey, some classes have been replaced by interdisciplinary courses. We have encouraged Faculty to develop their skills by working cooperatively in team teaching environments.
All students in Honors class have the opportunity to evaluate the course and the faculty member using the newly developed  Faculty Evaluation Survey. This will be used to upgrade both Honors curriculum and the Honors faculty.
The teacher evaluation forms have been changed and administered. No results have yet been received.

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17 May 2005