at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > History Department
    > Graduate Exit Interview

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Revised, 1999
In addition to assessment dialogue incorporated into the oral exam experience, the Chair of the Graduate Committee and the Chair of the Department routinely interview the finishing and graduated students about their perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of the program.

The information, opinion, and perspectives gathered from the interviews are brought to the attention of the Department as a whole and in its regular meetings the Department constantly reviews and analyzes the assessment information and takes whatever actions it deems appropriate.

Following graduation of the graduate students, their committee and the Department would assess the quality of the students' graduate experience.

1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
From the Fall semester 1999 through Summer 2000, the History Department had three students graduate with an MA in History and one graduate with an MA Ed in Social Sciences, which ends the offering of this program. Interview comments and observations indicate that the students accomplished more than significant amounts of researching, writing, and successful mastery of material to earn their advanced degrees. Students chose to credit the support and cooperative endeavor of the faculty as one of the criteria key to their level of accomplishment. This is a sound student assessment indicator of a qualitative component that they identify that should be maintained. One critical aspects of the commentary focused upon the limits of the library holdings in select historiographical areas. In response to these concerns the Department is maintaining its efforts to expand the purchase of historical materials for the library.
The Department had one student graduate with an MA degree. Interview comments again indicated satisfaction with course offerings, faculty performance, assistance in professional training, and the overall program. The limits of library resources again emerged as a need, but is offset to some degree by new research opportunities through the electronic mediums.
The Department had two students graduate with MA degrees in this year. Student comments were laudatory with regard to course offerings, faculty support and quality teaching, and professional training. Both students were quite pleased with the program as it is.
The Department had no graduates from this program in 1996-97. The first students in our new Masters of Arts program will finish in 1998.
The Department had no graduates from the program in 1995-1996. In the Spring of 1996 the Department received authorization from the Regents and the Coordinating Commission to discontinue offering the Masters of Arts in Education degree and begin offering the Masters of Arts in History degree. The approved proposal for the Masters of Arts degree included a request for an increase in the Department library budget. A modest increase was forthcoming and addressed some of the concerns expressed by graduate students.
The Department had two students graduate with MAEd degrees in History. Student comments found the department curriculum and faculty quite good. There was a wish for more materials in the UNK library to support graduate work. The Department discussed this need and forwarded the concern to the library and college Dean in an effort to identify resources to expand the History holdings.
This evaluation will be done in the 1994-95 academic year.

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17 May 2005