at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > History Department
    > Capstone Experience

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Students in the teacher education program do student teaching which is evaluated by their cooperating teachers and the College of Education.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
Twenty-one students successfully completed student teaching in fall or spring semesters, 1997-98, which is 100% of those who attempted student teaching. Supervisors' reports indicate that students had good to superior knowledge of content area in comparison with other student or preservice teachers. All had good to excellent pedagogical skills expected of beginning teachers and all were excellent to superior in their professional practices. Areas where growth is needed include technology skills, classroom management and varying instructional strategies as appropriate for diverse learners. Of the 21 who completed student teaching, 15 received teaching contracts as of the writing of this report; 2 are working nearly full-time as substitutes in large school districts and have been advised that when positions open up, they will be the first considered to fill those positions. One student teacher, Mike Hewitt, was selected by the College of Education as its Outstanding Student Teacher at the secondary level, a first-time award.
Thirteen students completed their endorsement program in History and/of the Social Sciences. This assessment is based on the reports of the cooperating teachers to whom our students were assigned.

Students were generally commended for their content knowledge and professional ethics/practices. Recommendations for improved classroom practices included more effort being spent on integrating technology into classroom instruction, more collaboration with resources available on-site (such as media specialists, colleagues) and better classroom management skills. Caveat on the latter: every student was evaluated as MINIMALLY "meeting the standard expected of a first-year teacher;" where improvement is needed in the professional sequence is management and technology skills. These conclusions on this subject have been brought to the attention of the PTE department. In every competency, students were found at least to meet the standard expected of first year teachers.

For the academic year 1995-96, student teachers completing their semester of student teaching in any of the seven social sciences (mostly in history) earned high marks from university supervisors and cooperating teachers for demonstrating good professional practices and following the curricula of the schools to which they were assigned. A need for improvement was noted in some students' background knowledge of the academic areas, not just in social science, but in oral and written expression in general, as well as in using a wider variety of methods to deliver instruction and responding effectively to their students' exceptionalities. The latter is common theme in the evaluations of veteran teachers as well and reflects some struggles on the part of teachers with responding to the national movement toward full inclusion of students with handicapping conditions.

The Center for Cultural Diversity (newly created) was to be consulted for assistance in diversity training for students in the teacher education program, especially with how best to incorporate such instruction in existing courses within the professional sequence offered by PTE.

For the academic year 1994-95, social science student teachers completing their 10 weeks of student teaching were commended by both cooperating teachers and university supervisors for academic content knowledge (including the ability to seek information not previously known when necessary) and for professional practices. the later includes responding to constructive criticism, demonstrating equitable treatment of students and communicating effectively with students and colleagues. Areas where some improvement was needed included responding to students with exceptionalities and varying the methods used to deliver content.
This evaluation will next be administered in academic year 1995-96.

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17 May 2005