at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

department assessment
    > Family and Consumer Sciences Department
    > Capstone Course

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Clinical Dietetics with a laboratory component (FCSC 435) is regarded as the Program’s capstone course. Successful completion of this course (with a grade of C or better) is required for completion of the major. Knowledge and skills acquired throughout the earlier phases of the program are required for the successful completion of this course, and serve as a means assessing overall knowledge in the major.

Human Development & Family Relationships
Capstone course, FCSC 402, is designated a Writing Intensive course, and anticipates an advanced level of knowledge of subject matter and skill in the reading, interpretation and criticism of professional writing.

1999-2000 ASSESSMENT

Human Development & Family Relationships
weakness in the research area has been identified by the capstone course. The program area has added more material concerning research, e.g. writing abstracts, literature review papers, and is planning for a research specific agenda with in an existing course.

Course changes enacted to better prepare students for employment. FCSC 351, Marriage and Family, BMGT 411, Labor Relations, ECON 100, Introduction to Economics, were courses dropped. Added were: BMKT 300, Principles of Marketing, BMKT 380, Human Resource Management, BMGT 455, Organizational Behavior. Students report greater work-place relevance for program changes. Students are successfully completing course work requirements and passing FCSC. The course changes are helpful in acquainting students with the demands of working in a business orientated structure. Marketing is helpful for students considering careers as Nutritional consultants in which they market skills and/or products.

Human Development & Family Relationships
In response to student input about scheduling difficulties, flexibility was introduced in allowing students to take the capstone course, if they are individually deemed to have adequate 300 level preparation to be successful at 400 level course offerings.   Students are successful in meeting capstone course requirements for the program. Students report easing of scheduling difficulties.

Continuing student concern about course availability resulted in an additional 5th satellite course, FCSC 435, with the laboratory component introduced as as Independent Study. Students are successful in additional course and have an additional way of meeting capstone requirement.

Human Development & Family Relationships
Difficulties remain in scheduling by student accounts.

In response to student concerns about course availability, agreement was reached with Lincoln campus on offering four courses via satellite to help students meet degree requirements in a timely manner. Students were successful in completing these courses and learning sufficient to ensure success in subsequent on-campus courses.

Human Development & Family Relationships
Student reports of scheduling difficulties remain although student s continue to successfully complete all degree requirements.

Students are successful in completing course work although concerns remain about availability of courses for degree progress. Small student numbers make additional offerings difficult.

Human Development & Family Relationships
Most students are successful in satisfactorily completing FCSC 402; all students report difficulties in scheduling necessary classes.

Students are successful in completing course work for degree although student concerns were expressed about availability of courses to fit in individual schedules.

Human Development & Family Relationships
Most students are successful in satisfactorily completing FCSC 402, and are strongly encouraged to complete all their 300 level course requirements before taking 402.

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17 May 2005