at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

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    > Educational Administration Department
    > Comprehensive Examination

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revised 2000-01
From Summer 2000 through Spring 2001, 51 Masters-Level students took and passed the written comprehensive examination.  Five of 33 were asked to rewrite portions of the exam for the Summer 2000 group.  However, it was the judgement of the EDAD faculty that performance on these examinations continued to be substantially beyond the acceptable level.  During this same period of time, 11 students successfully passed the oral comprehensive examination for the Specialist Degree.

revised 1998-99
The following adjustments were made in the Comprehensive Examinations for the 1998 Fall Term.  At the Masters level, rather than a separate school law question, faculty drafted questions that encompassed legal issues in all other curriculum areas.  Also, for Specialist level students, faculty utilized a prepared script for oral exams thus attenuating somewhat their impromptu nature. 

revised 1994-95
EDAD faculty decided that oral examinations would be administered to specialist level students in the future

All masters level students in Educational Administration are given a written comprehensive examination with questions that are written by the university faculty. They are asked to assume a position, solve a problem and justify their solution.

Specialist Degree (Superintendent): The student will be given an oral examination  over the following areas: public relations, school law, school facilities, business management, and administrative theory.

Specialist Degree (Principalship K-12): The student will be given an oral examination over the following areas: public relations, school law, administrative theory, and other educational administration areas not tested over during a previous program.

Specialist Degree (Supervisor - Academic Area): The student will be tested over the following areas; curriculum planning, staff/personnel, public relations, school law, supervision, and other educational administration courses not taken during a previous program. There may be comprehensive examination questions from the academic area.

2000-2001 ASSESSMENT
From Summer 2000 through Spring 2001, 51 Masters-Level students took and passed the written comprehensive examination. Five of 33 were asked to rewrite portions of the exam for the Summer 2000 group. However, it was the judgement of the EDAD faculty that performance on these examinations continued to be substantially beyond the acceptable level. During this same period of time, 11 students successfully passed the oral comprehensive examination for the Specialist Degree.
1999-2000 ASSESSMENT
In Fall 1999, 11 Masters level students passed the comprehensive examination on the first attempt as did 3 students at the Specialist Level. During the Spring 2000 Term, 8 Masters level students passed the examination, with one student needing to rewrite; 3 Specialist students passed their oral examination. Note also that 6 Masters and 2 Specialist students completed examinations in Spring 1999, and 13 Masters students and 3 Specialist students did so in Summer 1999.

EDAD faculty, in general, judged student performance on these examinations to be very satisfactory and improved over recent years.

In Fall 1998, seven Masters level students passed the examinations on the first attempt as did five students at the specialist level.
Twenty-four Masters level students passed the written comprehensive examinations, but 13 needed to take a portion of the exams a second time. At the specialist level, four students passed the oral examinations. The exam has been restructured to better address the legal material in order that students may more adequately express what they know in this area of testing.
There were 22 Masters level students who took and passed the written comprehensive examinations, with five repeats. Five Specialist level students passed the oral comprehensive examinations.
Seventeen Masters level students passed the written comprehensive examinations, with only two needing to repeat. AT the Specialist level, three students passed the oral comprehensive examinations.
There were 18 Masters level students who took and passed the written examinations.
These examinations were administered. No changes in the program were indicated.

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17 May 2005