The fall 1997 and spring 1998 forums included the following points and faculty reactions. In response to student requests and a subsequent
survey, the department created a special topics course in Object Oriented Software
Engineering Using Java. It will be offered in the 1998 summer term. Also in response to
student requests for more CSIS classes to be offered in the summer, CSIS111 Applied BASIC
Programming, CSIS428/829p Data Communications, and CSIS440/840p have been scheduled.
Students asked what could be done about
the difficulty in transferring courses among University of Nebraska campuses. Faculty
noted that some of that was due to difference in missions among the campuses. Students
should plan with their advisors well ahead of time to facilitate the transfer process. The
CSIS faculty will examine this situation and determine whether any changes are needed.
Due to student perception of emphasis of
either CS or CIS in CSIS220, two sections will be offered in fall 1998, one for CS majors;
the other, for CIS majors.
Students reported that the level of the
content of CSIS201 Assembler Programming and CSIS230 Principles of Programming Languages
did not represent the level of material; the courses have been renumbered from sophomore
to junior designations effective in spring 1999.
In order to fulfill the requirement to
take twelve hours of writing intensive courses, students have requested more "writing
intensive" courses in the majors. CSIS380 Systems Analysis has become a WI class.
Both CS and CIS majors are now able to earn nine of their twelve hours within the
department. Other courses will be examined in the future to determine if the WI
designation is appropriate. |